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Simple patio gardening with a Garden Tower

Peggy offers impressions from planting a Garden Tower 2 by Garden Tower Project. This review emphasizes the accessibility of the Garden Tower for organic gardening. The rotating vertical design offers advantages for seniors such as no weeding, greater access in small spaces, light management, reduced physical stress and more

Organic Container Gardening -- How & Why the Garden Tower 2 Works

An incredible look inside a Garden Tower – modeled from the natural world, the GT2 is a stacked keyhole garden that truly produces.

Garden Tower 2 now featured by Burpee.com

Burpee Seeds loves the new Garden Tower 2. FYI, Burpee has provided only 100% Non-GMO seeds since 1878. Burpee has been growing Garden Towers for 3 seasons and is ecstatic about them.

Fable Farms Garden Tower 2 Grow Test: Food Freedom Experiment - Do Garden Towers Really Work?

This is a high quality, independent growth study underway by Fable Farms Indiana using multiple Garden Tower 2's.