20(20) Home Conservation Tips: Earth Day Opportunities for Your Home and the Planet

20(20) Home Conservation Tips Happy Earth Day, Garden Tower® community! This year, many members of our community have reached out looking for ways to bring conservation and eco-friendly habits into their daily routine, especially when those routines have changed so much. 

Check out our list of 20 Home Conservation Tips below, and let us know which ones you end up trying! 


  1. Plant a garden. A home garden helps cut down on your grocery bills, but also reduces the energy consumption from the production, packaging, and shipping of things you can grow at home. 
  2. Start composting. You can do this right in your Garden Tower® with the built-in vermicomposting tube! 
  3. Change your lightbulbs. Did you know that LED lights can be up to 75% more efficient than fluorescents? Switching the lights in your home to LED reduces your home’s energy footprint while lowering your bills. 
  4. Go paperless. How many bills and statements do you receive in the mail each month? Most banks and utilities providers offer online e-statements. Switch over and save some trees! 
  5. Go paper towel-less. It’s scary how easy it is to use up a whole roll of paper towels while cleaning the house. Make your own reusable rags from old clothes, instead! 
  6. Donate. Go through your closets and drawers and get rid of those old tee shirts from the 90s. 
  7. Learn how to properly recycle. We all know to recycle bottles and cans, but what else can be turned into something new? Brush up on your local recycling laws and post them by your garbage cans so the whole family can see. 
  8. Make your own canned goods. This is a great way to reduce food waste and save some money on your grocery bills. Over-ripe berries can be made into jams and jellies, and a large harvest of tomatoes can be canned for the winter. Give it a try!
  9. Reduce your water consumption. From shorter showers to energy-efficient washing machines, you can reduce your family’s water consumption in easy and efficient ways. 
  10. Start an upcycling project. “Upcycling” is the act of turning a used object into a new, improved one. Try out a fun upcycling project like these Mason jar windchimes
  11. Turn trash into treasure. For a simpler version of upcycling, find ways you can reuse things you’d normally throw out. Turn egg cartons into seed starters, plant herbs in decorated cans, or use old toothbrushes to get hard-to-reach corners while scrubbing grout. 
  12. Switch to sustainable brands. From fast fashion to cleaning supplies, Fair Trade coffee to sustainably-sourced seafood, you can make a few swaps to your grocery list that are good for your wallet AND good for the planet. A few minutes of research makes all the difference! 
  13. Shop local. Reduce packaging, production, and transportation costs by shopping at local farmer’s markets. Make friends with a local butcher and you’ll make some of the best meals EVER! 
  14. Rethink your food scraps. Many “useless” kitchen scraps, like the ends of veggies or food that’s starting to turn, is often thrown out when it can be repurposed into clever recipes. Brown bananas? Make banana bread! Leftover greens from turnips and carrots? Make pesto! 
  15. Plant shade trees. Planting trees close to your home can help cool things down naturally, without needing to turn on the AC. It’s a win-win-win: more trees, less energy, less summer heat! 
  16. Set up a rain barrel. You can collect rainwater and use it to water garden plants or your lawn. Just check your local ordinances first, since some towns have rules in place for where these barrels have to live! 
  17. Fix leaky faucets. This is an easy way to reduce water consumption. Seal up any leaks and stop any drips. You’d be surprised how much water this simple task can save over the year! 
  18. Make your own cleaning supplies. Instead of buying costly cleaning solution that comes in plastic bottles, make your own at home. Here’s a hint: most DIY cleaning solutions are made from water, vinegar, and a few drops of essential oil or citrus juice. 
  19. Celebrate Meatless Monday. You don’t have to make huge changes to your family’s diet to reduce your carbon footprint. Serving one vegetarian meal per week reduces greenhouse gas production and other emissions related to the livestock industry--plus, it’s good for your health!  
  20. Organize a neighborhood cleaning day. Get your community involved by sponsoring a local park or highway. Spend the day picking up trash and planting trees and flowers. Maybe raise funds for a community garden and set up some Garden Towers®, too! When everyone works together, we can do amazing things! 
  How are you and your family going green this year?

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